Theatre Music



Perky pat presents #15 「みかん」

作曲/真都山みどり(September. 2018) composed by Midori MATSUYAMA


2018年9月30日@円頓寺レピリエ(名古屋市中村区)にて上演された、perky pat presents #15「みかん」のために書いた曲です。This music was composed for [Mikan] played at Le Pilliers  (Nagoya, Japan)  on 30th September  2018.


第12回AAF戯曲賞受賞作「豆」 /  AAF [ Mame ]

作曲/真都山みどり(December. 2013) composed by Midori MATSUYAMA

2013年12月13日〜15日@愛知芸術劇場小ホール(名古屋市東区)にて上演された、第12回AAF戯曲賞受賞作「豆」のために書いた曲です。This music was composed for AAF [Mame] played at Aichi Arts mini theatre (Nagoya, Japan)  on 13th-15th December  2013.



1: opening   2: Boy meets Girl   3: Iwanaga's Husband   4: theme (take 2)

theme (Curtain call march)

theme (Curtain call march)

地獄変〜殿スピーチ / JIGOKUHEN〜Tono speech

作曲/真都山みどり(June. 2013)composed by Midori MATSUYAMA


2013年6月13日〜16日@愛知芸術劇場小ホール(名古屋市東区)にて上演された、AAFリージョナルシアター愛知vs京都「文学コンプレックス(愛知/地獄変)のために書いた曲です。This music was composed forAAF rejonal theatre AICHI vs KYOTO [Bungaku Complex (AICHI / JIGOKUHEN)played at Aichi Arts mini theatre (Nagoya, Japan)  on 13th-16th June 2013.




作曲/真都山みどり(Aug. 2012) composed by Midori MATSUYAMA


2012年8月17日〜19日@アクテノン(名古屋市中村区)にて上演された、虚構オメガ#03「独裁」のために書いた曲です。This music was composed for The theatrical campany OMEGA FICTION #03 [DOKUSAI] played at Acthenon (Nagoya, Japan)  on 17th-19th August 2012.




作曲、作詞、演奏/真都山みどり(11th Dec. 2011)

composed, written lyric, played by Midori MATSUYAMA


(2012.4.4 江口珈琲店(愛知県岩倉市)にて弾き語りライヴ録音。

 recorded at Eguchi coffee in Iwakura Aichi, Japan on 4th April 2012)


2011年秋、ARTS for HOPEのボランティアで東北を訪れた際に、現地で感じた事を歌にしました。

In Autumn 2011, I went to Tohoku area where hitted by massive earthquake and tsunami  on 11tth March 2011 to involved in volunteer work of ARTS for HOPE. This song was based on my impression of visiting there. 


Requiem 311/ レクイエム 311

 作曲、演奏/ 真都山みどり(2011.3.24)

composed and performanced by Midori MATSUYAMA


2011.3.11に起きた東日本大震災で、死者が数字になって..表される違和感と、その数字にもならない犠牲が同じくらいあるこ..とについて非常にショックを受けました。 震災における全ての犠牲者への鎮魂歌を作曲しました。 悲しみ、怒り、絶望、慰み。多くの魂が鎮まることを、ただただ祈るばかりです。

I was shocked that the number of death by massive quake and tsunami increased day by day and there are huge number of uncountable victims haven't found. that's why, I composed this piece and pray for all them.

The contemporary improvised photos /現代即興写真


(2011.10.6~17@K Art Studio





composed and performanced by Midori MATSUYAMA




見るがままに 聴くがままに
流れるままに 感じるままに。




観る世界、聴く世界 それらが融合した世界は


[The Contemporary Improvised Photos]
〜The photo and music installation〜 concept


At the place, at the moment
I feel comfortable and enjoyable.

More physical, more imaginative
Not be caught up in stereotype.

See, hear, flow, feel, I really want to.

"The blind spot of audio- visuals"

I can't hear when I take photos,
I can't see when I play music.

But, I can see and hear them.

How does the world that is mixed with 
two different works based on conflicting 
creations appear in front of us all at once? 




1.水面 Surface


It was mixed two improvised piano sounds. It’s expressed surface of water. 

3.雷雨 hundershower 

The collaboration of a improvised piano sound and nature sounds.






5.極東から吹く風 The wind from the Far East

The sampling from weather report on the radio. I imagine the Far East from calmly announcing of areas around Japan.

2.コラール Choral

The simple and short choral.



4.くっちゃんぱち Kucchanpachi

I casually spoke “Kucchanpachi” when I held a microphone. It was good beat so I mixed with percussion sounds. “Kucchan” and “Pachi” are my lovely teddy bears.


 6.歌がうまれる When a song is born

This song is put lyrics but it only plays instrumental version this time. 

  歌がうまれ 言葉つなぎ   
  風に乗せて 遠く遠く
  伝えたい この想いを
  届けたい わたしの声
  新しい 懐かしい 歌がある


      When a song is born, words connect each other
  They are taken far and far by the wind 
  I hope to tell my heart
  I hope to send my voice
  There are new, good old songs.